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Whilst Finland has been among those countries with low infection rates and strict regulations, we have had our share of covid-19 pandemic this spring and summer. As the pandemic is still a big player globally in almost anything we do, we need to try and find positive sides of everyday living like it was normal. Normality needs some adjustments, of course, but we all know staying safe is always a priority, especially when traveling abroad. We in Alpland think that traveling

Dear readers. However strong this current Covid rollercoaster ride is going, we still think we could share some beautiful thoughts and up-to-date feelings to you from Lapland. What else could we do than to daydream for now and travel later when we can! It is spring in Lapland – oh yes, only now in the middle of May! - and what else could be a better time to observe around you than this season of rapid changes. For Lappish people one

Something big is happening. There is undoubtedly news about the on-going Covid-19 pandemic in every single World’s media right now. Countries around the globe are reacting to this threat one by one as the virus moves forward. Suddenly everyday life has become very strict and routined on micro level, whereas on macro level, globally, everything escalates and transforms daily. Everything is stable and still so unstable. Travel has faced its biggest transformation since innovating motor vehicles. Flights are being cancelled, borders are

There is a saying in Finnish that goes “the years are not brothers”. This means, seasons vary. Last winter snow came very late to Finnish Lapland. It was almost Christmas before the ground was covered with a layer of white powdery snow. This year winter arrived already in October and Lappish people are facing a record amount of whiteness. For sure, years are not brothers. Perhaps you did not know but Finnish people have a special relationship with winters and snow.

2010s was a radical wake-up call for the World. We started facing worrying signs of changing climate, hazardous peaking of extreme weather conditions and thus, too many lost opportunities, homes and even lives. Too cold old too warm, too much rain or too little. The overall ecosystem is aching, and it is showing. Traveling has a huge carbon footprint on this delicate ecosystem. As we know that flying or tourism can’t be thoroughly cancelled as they are a needed part of

New decade is upon us. “Twenty-twenty” will bring us new ideas for sure, but Alpland will continue on the same sturdy path we have chosen: sustainable travel with local hardcore knowledge and experiences. We want you to be comfortable in Switzerland and Finnish Lapland and gain the best memories in these two beautiful countries. Without any further words, we want to share with you the most stunning photos we have gathered from both Switzerland and Lapland during this year. They speak

Many times, we as Alpland get the question of ’what we do’. We are not a normal traveling company. We are a travel expert and a partner throughout your trip. When you want to travel to Switzerland or Finnish Lapland, we take care of everything: getting to know you and what you want from your trip, organizing transportation, accommodation and itinerary if you wish, and also if needed, we travel with you so nothing goes wrong on the way. Personal

If you ask a Finn about Finnish cuisine, you will most probably get a laughter and shooting down comments that there is no such thing. We disagree. Finnish cuisine might not be as extravagant as in many other cultures, but it has its roots deep down in history, what people were able to produce during short summers and naturally, hunting and foraging. Mainly the ingredients are plain, simple and those that have been available to people throughout centuries. Potato plays a

When you buy flying, ferry or train tickets to travel aboard, you want to go and experience the local culture. You wouldn’t go to Switzerland to eat cheese that is produced in Spain. You wouldn’t travel to Lapland to experience Russian heritage. Traveling itself is one of the biggest topics in sustainability debates nowadays. Some people say that the best way to travel for a holiday would be to stay in your homeland. However, if you want to experience the World

If you travel to Finland and small talk with anyone, you won’t find a person who wouldn’t touch the most interesting, best applied and truly varying subject. It is weather. Finnish people love to talk about the weather. No wonder because Finnish people experience four seasons every year. In Lapland, some people even talk about eight seasons. Being dependent on nature and roots in farming, foraging and living from the nature, weather has had a huge role in Finnish every day