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October 2019

If you travel to Finland and small talk with anyone, you won’t find a person who wouldn’t touch the most interesting, best applied and truly varying subject. It is weather. Finnish people love to talk about the weather. No wonder because Finnish people experience four seasons every year. In Lapland, some people even talk about eight seasons. Being dependent on nature and roots in farming, foraging and living from the nature, weather has had a huge role in Finnish every day

It is October. A so-called mid-season in many holiday and travel destinations. It is too warm, too rainy or too cold to go through typical destination attractions. At times the seasonal change – for example, lack of snow – makes some activities impossible to be carried out. Mid-seasons are problematic for travel industry, as the volumes drop but costs are still running. Infrastructure is still there, and people are employed by yearly contracts. What can be done to interest people outside