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Alpland GmbH

Alp­land GmbH brid­ges the gap in tra­vel bet­ween Switz­er­land and Fin­land. We ope­ra­te year-around in Swiss Alpi­ne loca­ti­ons and in Fin­nish Lapland. We are effec­ti­ve, hands on and we ful­ly arran­ge your most memo­r­able Alpi­ne and Lap­pish experiences.

Our company´s roots are authen­tic, from both Fin­nish Lapland and Switz­er­land. We know our loca­ti­ons tho­rough­ly and we value our exper­ti­se to the core. With us you will expe­ri­ence detail­ed per­so­nal service.

We spe­cia­li­ze in the­se two coun­tries becau­se we want you to expe­ri­ence the best of both worlds. Natu­re, heri­ta­ge and color­ful cul­tu­re makes tra­ve­ling to our loca­ti­ons inte­res­ting and bey­ond to keep you com­ing back for more.

Your travel expert to the Swiss Alps and Finnish Lapland