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Climate tourism

If you tra­vel to Fin­land and small talk with anyo­ne, you won’t find a per­son who wouldn’t touch the most inte­res­ting, best app­lied and tru­ly vary­ing sub­ject. It is wea­ther. Fin­nish peop­le love to talk about the wea­ther. No won­der becau­se Fin­nish peop­le expe­ri­ence four sea­sons every year. In Lapland, some peop­le even talk about eight sea­sons.

Being depen­dent on natu­re and roots in far­ming, fora­ging and living from the natu­re, wea­ther has had a huge role in Fin­nish every day lives. Nowa­days, wea­ther is seen as a fac­tor how the days and tasks of the day must be car­ri­ed out, when to chan­ge win­ter tyres for the car, when to har­vest pota­toes from the field or what to wear when cycling to work in the morning.

Tou­rism in Lapland is espe­cial­ly depen­dent on wea­ther. Main sea­son still being win­ter, snow fore­cast is always in everybody’s mind in the begin­ning of the sea­son. Howe­ver important the topic of dai­ly wea­ther is, cli­ma­te plays a much big­ger role in Lap­pish tou­rism nowadays.

Cli­ma­te chan­ge has undoub­ted­ly play­ed a role in the modern tou­rism. The­re is a need to adjust to lack of snow or rai­ny days. Pro­lon­ging mid-sea­sons are for­cing local entre­pre­neurs to think out­side the box and offer tra­velers new opti­ons for accom­mo­da­ti­on and dai­ly activities.

Cli­ma­te chan­ge over­all offers an inte­res­ting aspect for Lap­pish tra­ve­ling. When over­whel­ming heat waves hit, forest fires rage and sea­sons seem to be rest­less, a calm and cool Nor­dic might be a bet­ter holi­day desti­na­ti­on than a sun­ny beach in South. Fresh air, mild tem­pe­ra­tures and lush natu­re doesn’t need any more extra acti­vi­ties. You arri­ve, relax and char­ge your bat­te­ries in Lap­pish calmness.

Cli­ma­te tou­rism has alrea­dy been a noti­ced phe­no­me­non world­wi­de. Not only being more sus­tainab­le, tra­ve­ling during the unty­pi­cal sea­son offers tra­velers inex­pen­si­ve expe­ri­en­ces. Out­side the main sea­sons, the­re are less other tou­rists, pri­ces are lower and what is even more, natu­re offers is best.

Same thin­king app­lies to the Swiss Alps. Being cent­red in Mid-Euro­pe, Switz­er­land also suf­fers from cli­ma­te dis­crepan­ci­es. In the same time, its unu­ti­li­zed mild Autum­ns and ear­ly, sun­ny Springs are a gre­at way to enjoy Alpi­ne life to the ful­lest.

If you are unsu­re what is the best time to visit Fin­nish Lapland or the Swiss Alps, brace the unknown sea­son and be in con­ta­ct with us. We at Alp­land are hap­py to help you choo­sing the most sui­ta­ble time for your visit in the­se beau­ti­ful countries.