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November 2019

If you ask a Finn about Finnish cuisine, you will most probably get a laughter and shooting down comments that there is no such thing. We disagree. Finnish cuisine might not be as extravagant as in many other cultures, but it has its roots deep down in history, what people were able to produce during short summers and naturally, hunting and foraging. Mainly the ingredients are plain, simple and those that have been available to people throughout centuries. Potato plays a

When you buy flying, ferry or train tickets to travel aboard, you want to go and experience the local culture. You wouldn’t go to Switzerland to eat cheese that is produced in Spain. You wouldn’t travel to Lapland to experience Russian heritage. Traveling itself is one of the biggest topics in sustainability debates nowadays. Some people say that the best way to travel for a holiday would be to stay in your homeland. However, if you want to experience the World