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What’s new?

New deca­de is upon us. “Twen­ty-twen­ty” will bring us new ide­as for sure, but Alp­land will con­ti­nue on the same stur­dy path we have cho­sen: sus­tainab­le tra­vel with local hard­core know­ledge and expe­ri­en­ces. We want you to be com­for­ta­ble in Switz­er­land and Fin­nish Lapland and gain the best memo­ries in the­se two beau­ti­ful countries.

Without any fur­ther words, we want to share with you the most stun­ning pho­tos we have gathe­red from both Switz­er­land and Lapland during this year. They speak more than tho­se clas­sic thousand words. Have a look and have a moment, would you like to expe­ri­ence this all with us some day.

Hap­py New Year everyone!