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This is Alpland

Hel­lo dear rea­der! We are very hap­py that you found our new web­site and this blog. We are Alp­land, a true and authen­tic tra­vel part­ner in pic­tu­re-beau­ti­ful Switz­er­land and stun­ning Fin­land. Perhaps you would like to short­ly hear how we have come to this point alrea­dy? Alright then, a sto­ry time!

Our sto­ry star­ted alrea­dy a few years back, when Tuo­mas moved to live in Switz­er­land. He has been living in Engel­berg, get­ting used to Swiss cul­tu­re and Alp sur­roun­dings, been with peop­le and collec­ted a know-how about Swiss world.

Tuo­mas has been born and rai­sed in Fin­nish Lapland, whe­re natu­re is the base­ment for ever­y­day actions, year-around. He has always been an acti­ve sports­man, and the­re­fo­re moun­tains and forests beca­me quick­ly fami­li­ar for him. Tra­vel­ling around the coun­try and being an easi­ly approach­a­ble per­so­na­li­ty, he met a wide net­work of local peop­le and tou­rism actors.

Amongst the­se peop­le Tuo­mas met was Micha­el. He has been born in Switz­er­land and has a Fin­nish mother. Not only the­se two guys tal­ked the same lan­guage (liter­al­ly) but they soon rea­li­zed that the­re are a few exis­ting pro­blems in tra­vel­ling bet­ween Switz­er­land and Finland.

Both coun­tries are well-known for their per­fect land­s­capes and magni­ficent natu­re. Peop­le are super friend­ly, and food is deli­cious. Howe­ver, a ton of poten­ti­al is lost by tho­se times that are not uti­li­zed out­side the peak sea­sons. Swiss Alps and Lap­pish fells are packed with peop­le during win­ter but bright sum­mer nights in Nort­hern Fin­land are very quiet and deso­la­ted. A hiker can expe­ri­ence the swar­ming sound of cow­bells while wal­king on the moun­tains during Sep­tem­ber and Octo­ber, during a half-year long Swiss sum­mer but the­re are hard­ly anyo­ne wal­king with you other than cows.

As a tra­vel­ler you need to know the best loca­ti­ons, authen­tic pla­ces to expe­ri­ence the best of your trip. This requi­res local know­ledge and dia­lo­gue. A bridge that gaps the­se quiet, peace­ful pla­ces and ama­zing ser­vice from local peop­le with your enthu­si­asm to explo­re the­se two cul­tures out­side the peak sea­sons. This is what Alp­land is for.

Come along with us: We lis­ten to you and enab­le you sto­ries so memo­r­able that you will never for­get. We pro­mi­se this also in writ­ten form so stay tun­ed for more blog posts about life, cul­tu­re, events and tips to tra­vel in Switz­er­land and Finland!

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