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Best of Swiss Alps Tour

Grüe­zi mit­en­and und herz­lich will­kom­men! Wel­co­me ever­yo­ne and so nice to have you here in Switz­er­land! We hope your flight was com­for­ta­ble. Now your jour­ney begins, a breath-taking tour around this beau­ti­ful coun­try of Alps, coun­try­si­de, jewel-like lakes, cho­co­la­te and tons of heritage.

Switz­er­lan­d’s beauty

We will be pre­sent for your who­le jour­ney, to make it as com­for­ta­ble and trou­ble-free as can be. Here’s a tiny gift from us, some cho­co­la­te and fresh water to start your trip. Let’s head towards the train, it lea­ves from this very building.

The church and monas­te­ry of Engelberg

Our first stop is in the heart of Switz­er­land, Engel­berg. This beau­ti­ful val­ley town has its own monas­te­ry with a cosy cheese fac­to­ry. The brie is fan­tastic, worth tas­ting! Tra­di­ti­ons run through Engelberg’s veins as it belongs to one of the Kan­tons whe­re Switz­er­land was ori­gi­nal­ly born. Moun­tain Tit­lis offers us a long ride up abo­ve 3000 metres with gon­do­las. View from a restau­rant with year-around snow cover gives our lunch some addi­tio­nal spicing.



Even though our walks through this idyl­lic vil­la­ge are calm, Engel­berg is one of the most visi­ted loca­ti­ons in Switz­er­land. We will have our peace and quiet, as most of the tou­rists stay sepa­ra­ted from the rest of the town. Loca­li­ty, far­ming and peace­ful living defi­ne our stay­ing. To top the stay, we will dine in local Swiss restau­rants with top-qua­li­ty food – and ser­vice! Can you hear the alp­horn play­ing some­whe­re up the moun­tain side?

Interlaken's turquoise lakes

Inter­la­ken’s tur­quoi­se lakes

Our tour con­ti­nues towards Jung­frau area. Natu­ral­ly, we will tra­vel with train. Pan­ora­ma win­dows and white table­cloth restau­rant car take this public trans­port to a who­le new level in enjoy­ment and easi­ness. Jung­frau is the lar­gest sin­gle moun­tain area in Swiss Alps, which enab­les us easy and very quick access to several inte­res­ting loca­ti­ons wit­hin the area.

View from Mürren

View from Mürren

One of our visits is to Mür­ren, this beau­ti­ful Alp loca­ti­on whe­re no cars are allo­wed to dri­ve. Get­ting up with a gon­do­la and an old, ado­rable moun­tain train alrea­dy reve­als why this is one of the best spots for moun­tain sight­see­ing; Eiger, Monch and Jung­frau open up befo­re your eyes. The­se peaks are around 4000 metres high, stun­ning and snow top­ped. Peace­ful­ness and alpi­ne living go to a who­le new level here.

View from Mürren

On the top of moun­tain Schil­thorn we will brunch like James Bond, with luxorious views and cham­pa­gne. A walk down­wards back towards the val­ley inclu­des a visit to Gim­mel­wald, with a fasci­na­ting spe­cia­li­ty of a per­son­nel-free gro­ce­ry bou­tique. Still a bit fur­ther down, we see thousands of litres of water rus­hing down from the moun­tain. This is Staubach­fall, water­fall known around the World. Will you come with us and go visit behind it?

Staubach­fall, a stun­ning water­fall in Lauterbrunnen

We have alrea­dy expe­ri­en­ced so much but still mana­ged to take every day easi­ly and enjoy our­sel­ves. Tur­quoi­se lakes of Inter­la­ken will soon be left behind as we head to our third loca­ti­on, Leu­ker­bad. If you like spas and wine, this is a hea­ven for you!

We head up towards the town of Leu­ker­bad through wine fiel­ds that stretch out as far as eye can see. Leukerbad’s ther­mal baths for­ce you to slow down and enjoy. Spen­ding time in an out­door pool with 37-degree Cel­ci­us hot water with asto­un­ding moun­tain view makes you for­get about the time. The set­ting is almost sur­re­al. Why not to have a beau­ti­ful, cand­le-lit fon­due din­ner after a day like this?


From the village’s 1400 met­re alti­tu­de we take a gon­do­la up to Gemmi­pass whe­re a view opens towards Zer­matt and Mat­ter­horn. Oh, you have good came­ra equip­ment along with you? Excel­lent, the­re is ple­nty to pho­to­graph here, moun­tains, mar­mots, anci­ent-loo­king old wood houses with beau­ti­ful tiny details and so on. The sky is liter­al­ly your limit of good pho­to­shoot targets!

Is it time to go back alrea­dy? Last train stretch from Leu­ker­bad to Zürich flies by. We are so hap­py that you came along with us and hope­ful­ly you got a collec­tion of memo­ries to last for a life­time! Now here at the air­port we want to thank you once again and hope that you will come back to Switz­er­land to expe­ri­ence more once more. Tschüss!