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The best of Switzerland

Spring is here. In Lapland the sun is shi­ning brigh­ter and war­mer every day, snow melts and flocks of birds are retur­ning from South. In Switz­er­land days get war­mer, almost sum­mer­li­ke, cows return to the fiel­ds with joy and natu­re starts to bloom. Spring is also time for remo­ving thoughts of win­ter from your mind and clea­ning for the upco­m­ing Sum­mer season.

As we clear the mind­set as well as cup­boards to be rea­dy for Sum­mer, some old memo­ries can be found amidst clea­ning. We found three fan­tastic loca­ti­on from Switz­er­land that we want to share with you. The­se pla­ces repre­sent what we think Switz­er­land tru­ly is and also, why you should expe­ri­ence their beau­ty and character.

Engel­berg in Obwal­den is undoub­ted­ly the heart of Switz­er­land as well as the home of Alp­land. We wro­te ear­lier in our blog about life in Engel­berg. Being full of tra­di­ti­ons and situa­ted by the end of a rail line, this pic­tu­re-beau­ti­ful town exu­des Swiss life in its idyl­lic forms. Engel­berg is per­fect for acti­ve holi­days or semi­nar groups, as its moun­tains offer calm­ness, com­fort but end­less pos­si­bi­li­ties to enjoy the natu­re and its won­ders. We are sure you will fall in love with this val­ley of angels, its hiking rou­tes, fresh pro­du­ce from the monas­te­ry and quiet rustic mornings.

The second Swiss gem we would like to intro­du­ce you is Leu­ker­bad. Leu­ker­bad belongs to the can­ton of Valais which is bet­ter than well-known from its steep hills full of vines, ther­mal baths and cur­vy roads cree­ping up to the moun­tains. Leu­ker­bad is full of histo­ry, alt­hough the town has been rebuilt many times due to several seve­re avalan­ches. Ther­mal baths are luxu­rious yet very bud­get-friend­ly, not to even men­ti­on about the health bene­fits! Whe­ther you want to expe­ri­ence this beau­ti­ful small town in win­ter or sum­mer, it is per­fect for rela­xing with your spe­cial other or a group of friends.

Final­ly, we found from our spring clea­ning memo­ries this stun­ning place of Inter­la­ken. This area of tur­quoi­se lakes Bri­enz and Thun, sno­wy top moun­tains of the Jung­frau area and gras­sy fiel­ds is the abso­lu­te crad­le of acti­ve holi­days or sight­see­ing hikes. Being in the midd­le of vast are­as, this town is espe­cial­ly sui­ta­ble for stu­dent or group trips. Infra­st­ruc­tu­re allows our group to go easi­ly to the moun­tain top, orga­ni­ze a para­gli­ding ses­si­on with friends and the night­li­fe offers a lot to everyone.

Some­ti­mes after spring clea­ning one finds items that are being put into recy­cling or given else­whe­re. We in Alp­land hope that the­se memo­ries of stun­ning loca­ti­ons will come into use for you, our dear rea­der. Which one would you like to expe­ri­ence first?

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