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It is May in Finland. Days have been almost unnoticeably prolonged for long and the sun doesn’t set in the northernmost Finland for two months. Nightless nights are here. The orchestra of birds is almost deafening, and the nature starts to bloom. Views in Lapland at 11pm This might be one of the most spectacular times of the year. Despite all the beauty nature has to offer, Finns utilize their forestry surroundings when the season changes. This happens because Finnish forests are full of free jewels that flourish

There is a dictum in English language, “works like a dream”. Finnish people have turned this phrase into a form that describes ironically the country’s own train system. The general opinion of the masses is that this train system often runs late, or the gear breaks down. It has almost become a joke that anything could happen to the trains, weather, accidents, circumstances or just in general, things won’t go as planned. Thus, “works like a dream” is freely translated

Spring is here. In Lapland the sun is shining brighter and warmer every day, snow melts and flocks of birds are returning from South. In Switzerland days get warmer, almost summerlike, cows return to the fields with joy and nature starts to bloom. Spring is also time for removing thoughts of winter from your mind and cleaning for the upcoming Summer season. As we clear the mindset as well as cupboards to be ready for Summer, some old memories can be

Have you ever stopped to consider how much of your time you spent in traveling? In the mornings, you step into a car and head towards work. Or perhaps you take the train. To see friends, you hop onto your bike and head towards the chosen meeting point. Even during holidays, it is more than common to choose a destination, national or international and change the scenery. As we spend so much time traveling - in everyday and leisure time -

It is a scary thought to step into the unknown. This applies especially if you need to enter another culture and country. Still, unknown is not only scary but also fascinating, intriguing and makes memorable experiences. What do you need along your journey when stepping into the unknown? Forget about the typical bucket lists. It is highly likely they go around the most typical and mass-tourism destinations. Another reason is that in the worst-case scenarios they can disappoint you. Social media

We have a clear vision in Alpland. Thinking differently. Because why not to challenge the habits, the old ways of thinking and stickiness that have been affecting the ways of travel. Sometimes old is better but we want to give a slice of freshness amidst the busy everyday life, so that you can have choices and variety in your next travel experience. One of the old stuck stereotypes bound to traveling is the idea that you should pay a rather immense

One of the biggest questions in life is definitely “what do I want?”. This question defines your hopes, dreams, motives and ambition. It is not an easy question. It is perhaps a question you haven’t ever asked from yourself. Still, it is worth considering not only in life in general, your work, hobbies, relationships but also, what do you want from traveling. What are your biggest motives to travel? Perhaps they revolve revolve around your family, how nice is the weather,

Day dawns in Northern Europe. In Lapland, sunshine reaches just above the horizon, bringing light into the morning after polar night. Opening the curtains, one sees 15 centimetres of fresh snow in the yard. Thermometer outside the window shows it is -35 degrees Celsius. February, the month of true deep winter, snow and cold temperatures is here. However extreme the conditions are, life must go on. How can you be prepared against challenges that Finnish winter throws upon you? Rule number

February, the month of love and valentine is finally here! In Alpland we obviously love traveling, being together with friends, local food and unique experiences, but we also love seminars. Why? There are at least a hundred reasons but here are the 5 most compelling ones from our point of view. Seminars are a great way of getting to know people – your co-workers – better. Think about your colleagues for a second. How much time do you spend together outside

Greetings from Alpland, our dear reader! Last week we talked about how we would like to give our share in sustainable tourism. This topic has still been a hot potato at least in the Finnish national news, and how Finnish companies are registering into Visit Finland’s Sustainable Finland program. It is relieving to see how also other travel parties are focusing on important aspects of tourism. This week we would like to share with you a few essential tips on what