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May 2019

It is May in Finland. Days have been almost unnoticeably prolonged for long and the sun doesn’t set in the northernmost Finland for two months. Nightless nights are here. The orchestra of birds is almost deafening, and the nature starts to bloom. Views in Lapland at 11pm This might be one of the most spectacular times of the year. Despite all the beauty nature has to offer, Finns utilize their forestry surroundings when the season changes. This happens because Finnish forests are full of free jewels that flourish

There is a dictum in English language, “works like a dream”. Finnish people have turned this phrase into a form that describes ironically the country’s own train system. The general opinion of the masses is that this train system often runs late, or the gear breaks down. It has almost become a joke that anything could happen to the trains, weather, accidents, circumstances or just in general, things won’t go as planned. Thus, “works like a dream” is freely translated