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What do you want?

One of the big­gest ques­ti­ons in life is defi­ni­te­ly “what do I want?”. This ques­ti­on defi­nes your hopes, dreams, moti­ves and ambi­ti­on. It is not an easy ques­ti­on. It is perhaps a ques­ti­on you haven’t ever asked from yourself. Still, it is worth con­si­de­ring not only in life in gene­ral, your work, hob­bies, rela­ti­ons­hips but also, what do you want from traveling.

What are your big­gest moti­ves to tra­vel? Perhaps they revol­ve revol­ve around your fami­ly, how nice is the wea­ther, whe­re are the most stun­ning sight­see­ing, uni­queness of the desti­na­ti­on, com­for­ta­bi­li­ty at the loca­ti­on or a sui­ta­ble infra. Rea­sons behind a holi­day trip are for sure as nume­rous as the­re are travelers.

Tra­ve­ling to Switz­er­land and Fin­land, natu­re is a big fac­tor why one would choo­se the­se coun­tries. Natu­re is about pureness, vast­ness, ori­gi­na­li­ty, gree­n­e­ry, health and what is most important in this rus­hing and fast-deve­lo­ping world, the peacefulness.

The most important fac­tor for us what we want our guests to enjoy is the peace­ful­ness. Ruhe. Hil­jai­suus. Ima­gi­ne this day. You wake up when the sun rises, not too ear­ly but around 8am. A big, tas­ty bre­ak­fast with cof­fee, then off we go. Wal­king starts from the end of a pri­va­te road. Nobo­dy else is to be seen, except friends from the forest, rab­bits, rein­de­er or a flock of black grou­ses dining in a tree.

When you stop, not­hing else is to be heard than the silence. We reach a wil­der­ness cabin, start the fire­place and pour our­sel­ves cups of hot juice. Lunch is get­ting rea­dy, cabin gets war­mer and a few cand­les light up the sin­gle room beau­ti­ful­ly. Out­side, a tiny bird sings for the group of unusu­al guests in the heart of the forest.

After simp­le but tas­ty lunch, cof­fee is ser­ved. The­re is no rush to any­whe­re. Perhaps we play a round of cards or sta­re at the fire. Only when the sun starts set­ting, we head back home. All clothes smell like smo­ke, the most typi­cal out­door fra­gran­ce the­re is. Some­bo­dy yawns, a clear sign of a “fresh air poi­so­ning”. Sau­na will be the per­fect way to end a day in the wilderness.

Vaca­ti­on is about char­ging your bat­te­ries, not dischar­ging them. Alt­hough we know it is fasci­na­ting to expe­ri­ence dif­fe­rent worlds, cul­tures and sights, you shouldn’t dri­ve yourself shat­te­red with a har­dy sche­du­le. Remem­ber to ask yourself, “what do I want”.

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