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Switzerland is picture-beautiful country in the middle of Europe. As we all know, cheese, cow bells ringing throughout summer, chocolate and astounding mountains define this small but feisty and characteristic nation. Swiss people are used to live together nearby family and neighbours. It is obvious, as the small country carries over 8 million inhabitants. Small block houses looking like a typical Alp cottage might even accommodate a few families. What gives spaciousness for people are the mountains and their beautiful snowy

If you get lost into the wild, you can easily survive a week without food. But if you don’t have any water, you’ve only got a few days to either find yourself back or find some clean H2O to sip. Water is the essence of life and without it we couldn’t survive. Water indicates how nature lies. In both Finland and Switzerland winters are reliable of snow, especially when thinking about tourism. We have written already about the seasons and what

Today’s world is full of easy options. Everything runs smoothly, thanks to the Internet and other technology. All the World’s data is available in your pocket and it seems the World is closer than taking a picture and uploading it to Instagram. Considering tourism, almost everywhere is made reachable. Easy access is more required as a necessity rather than supposing some places are simply not reachable by everyone. Let’s think about Mt. Everest as an example for a moment. It was

There has been discussion in Finland over Lapland tourism during the past weeks. Topic is very simple: how to get guests to visit during the quiet summer season. Lappish tourism has been evolving around winter season, snow, reindeer, huskies and aurora. Unfortunately, these attractions are hardly even original Lappish activities. Also, they are reliable on snow situation which again is affected by the changes of climate. What is even more, these activities can’t be arranged during the summer season, not

Summer is here! Summer season in both Lapland and Switzerland is a fantastic time to spend time outdoors and enjoy the warmth, happy atmosphere amongst people and naturally treat yourself with some chosen delicacies. When you head towards Switzerland, for sure you are up for a culinary trip. Mind you, this country is happy to receive anyone within its borders, but you should leave calorie counting at home. Switzerland is world-widely known of two delicious things: its chocolate and cheese. Chocolate

There is a dictum in English language, “works like a dream”. Finnish people have turned this phrase into a form that describes ironically the country’s own train system. The general opinion of the masses is that this train system often runs late, or the gear breaks down. It has almost become a joke that anything could happen to the trains, weather, accidents, circumstances or just in general, things won’t go as planned. Thus, “works like a dream” is freely translated

Spring is here. In Lapland the sun is shining brighter and warmer every day, snow melts and flocks of birds are returning from South. In Switzerland days get warmer, almost summerlike, cows return to the fields with joy and nature starts to bloom. Spring is also time for removing thoughts of winter from your mind and cleaning for the upcoming Summer season. As we clear the mindset as well as cupboards to be ready for Summer, some old memories can be

We have a clear vision in Alpland. Thinking differently. Because why not to challenge the habits, the old ways of thinking and stickiness that have been affecting the ways of travel. Sometimes old is better but we want to give a slice of freshness amidst the busy everyday life, so that you can have choices and variety in your next travel experience. One of the old stuck stereotypes bound to traveling is the idea that you should pay a rather immense

Greetings from Alpland, our dear reader! Last week we talked about how we would like to give our share in sustainable tourism. This topic has still been a hot potato at least in the Finnish national news, and how Finnish companies are registering into Visit Finland’s Sustainable Finland program. It is relieving to see how also other travel parties are focusing on important aspects of tourism. This week we would like to share with you a few essential tips on what

Greetings from wintry Finland, everyone! Last weekend Alpland attended the biggest travel fair in Nordic countries, the Matka fair 2019. It was once again exciting to see how the travel world lies in 2019. The fair consisted of professional days and the open days for public. Once again, the biggest travel companies operating in Finland gave out freebies and their annual brochures to address indecisive travelers. Where to go next? We as Alpland participated in professional days to ensure that we