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If you get lost into the wild, you can easily survive a week without food. But if you don’t have any water, you’ve only got a few days to either find yourself back or find some clean H2O to sip. Water is the essence of life and without it we couldn’t survive. Water indicates how nature lies. In both Finland and Switzerland winters are reliable of snow, especially when thinking about tourism. We have written already about the seasons and what

Have you ever stopped to consider how much of your time you spent in traveling? In the mornings, you step into a car and head towards work. Or perhaps you take the train. To see friends, you hop onto your bike and head towards the chosen meeting point. Even during holidays, it is more than common to choose a destination, national or international and change the scenery. As we spend so much time traveling - in everyday and leisure time -

February, the month of love and valentine is finally here! In Alpland we obviously love traveling, being together with friends, local food and unique experiences, but we also love seminars. Why? There are at least a hundred reasons but here are the 5 most compelling ones from our point of view. Seminars are a great way of getting to know people – your co-workers – better. Think about your colleagues for a second. How much time do you spend together outside

Today’s world is unique, transparent and more connected than ever, a big thanks to the Internet. Never has the human being been as networked than now – and on the contrary, more isolated than ever. Individual culture supported by several digital services has made it possible to avoid human contact in everyday life. Who had ever thought that going to the store meant an online grocery store or your daily dose of personal training happened via an online chat? Digitalization has

Sauna – probably the most known Finnish word around the globe. You might know this wonderful bathing and washing concept as a part of a visit to spa or being a way to have an evening wash. This steamy tradition has been surrounding Finnish daily routines for hundreds of years. Let’s dig deeper into this hot topic. Sauna in its current modernity is a tradition going back to Bronze Age in Finland. The actual word ‘sauna’ has its origins from a

Grüezi and tervepä terve, our dear reader! Did you know there is a Finnish children’s song starting with the following words: “If you want to go into the woods right now, you will be surprised for sure”? What’s so surprising in the forest? Song tells a story about a group of teddy bears playing around, peaking from underneath tree branches and frolicking around on the forest floor. This makes them all very tired and already quite early in the evening they need

Hello again, dear reader! Feeling a bit chilly already? No wonder, as it has already been snowing in the Swiss Alps and in Finnish Lapland too. Winter and especially snow are very exotic for people coming from two-season countries but as a Finn, one needs to be very accustomed to this arctic season. Grab a cup of something hot to drink while continuing reading forward because here are a few specialties about living in Finland during winter. Finnish winter can be