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Alpland Chill

Loo­king for a place to unwind and com­ple­te­ly plug off? We have the best few for you. Stay in utter silence or relax in alpi­ne ther­mal spa.

We know that ever­y­day life can be stress­ful. How about a holi­day whe­re you can take off your wris­t­watch and just relax? We take care of abso­lute­ly ever­ything for you, so that you can enjoy the rush-free mornings, sche­du­le-free acti­vi­ties and – in Lapland — night­less nights!

Mate­ria­li­zed sam­ple product

A day in Lapland. In 2019, we star­ted the day with a cou­p­le and took them to river­’s ice. A cris­py win­ter’s day, all so silent. First, we star­ted a fire in the hut and hea­ded to drill holes into ice. Ice fishing is a sple­ndid way to spend time in silent out­doors but also to catch food from the natu­re in the deep win­ter. After roas­ting the catch on fire and sip­ping warm juice, we hea­ded back to the cot­ta­ge to have a break. In the evening we spent the ear­ly night in a bar­be­que hut, coo­king Lap­pish din­ner on open fire and sharing sto­ries in the midd­le of authen­tic natu­re. Being one with the natu­re, pre­sent in time and having rush free sche­du­le is the core of Alp­land Chill – segment.

Authen­ti­ci­ty to the ful­lest and we also lear­ned a prac­ti­cal skill on the side.” ‑Alp­land Chill participant